“Our House is on Fire” - Fridays For Future

#FridaysForFuture is a movement that began in August 2018, after 15-year-old Greta Thunberg and other young activists sat in front of the Swedish parliament every schoolday for three weeks to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis.

Sustainability: Think Globally, Act Locally

“Sustainability for a Bright Future!” A panel of sustainability professionals from Prescott College, Sustainability Alliance, and the City of Sedona. Sponsored by Northern AZ Climate Change Alliance & Yavapai Climate Change Coalition

Carbon Pricing -- A Big Climate Change Solution

Learn about carbon pricing as the single most powerful tool available to reduce America’s carbon pollution and to reach Net Zero by 2050. We discuss how carbon pricing drives innovation toward abundant, affordable, clean energy; saves lives (nearly 1 in 10 deaths in the US is caused by air pollution); and stimulates the economy. Last, we review the carbon pricing bills currently in Congress.

Green Schools National Network (GSNN)

GSNN works with schools and districts around the nation to accelerate sustainable practices. At its core, GSNN helps to shift mindsets through strategic curriculum and instruction development, attention to facilities and operations, intentionality connected to culture and climate while considering transformational leadership. Presented by GSNN’s Director of Learning and Partnerships, David DenHartog.

Video podcast interview With NAZCCA super volunteers Patrick Grady and Landen Schaelling

Watch this video podcast and discover how climate change is affecting us at local and global levels, and what you can do to help your community and the Earth.

(Prescott, AZ)

NAZCCA Earth Week - Prescott Team Interview

NAZCCA is proud of their upcoming Earth Week events and 5enses, a Prescott based webcast media company interviewed the Prescott earth week team. Our focus is to promote our own earth week events (virtual and in person) as well as partner organization events.