What’s Ahead in 2021?

Before we get to a sneak peek at 2021, I’d be remiss if I did not mention Giving Tuesday, this year Dec 1st.  In this season of celebrating gratitude and being caught up in spending on material goods, Giving Tuesday began in 2012 as a simple idea to dedicate the Tuesday after Thanksgiving to doing good to make a difference in the world.  The good you do may differ greatly from what others may give.

Whether you choose to help out a neighbor or stranger in need, to give of your time, to join a movement to create a better world for tomorrow or to make a monetary donation, your gift from your heart can make a difference.  NAZCCA would be grateful for your Giving Tuesday gift in whatever amount your heart and finances dictate.  You may make your donation here.  

So . . . what’s in store for Giving Corner in 2021?  Have you ever felt you’d like to make a meaningful gift to charity, but you’re uncertain of the best way to structure that gift?  Maybe your colleague, your brother-in-law or friend has been talking about how they plan to leave their legacy for the causes near and dear to their hearts.  The Planned Giving arena can be a daunting place to try to find your way around and our Giving Corner segment is designed to help you in that regard.  Some gifts are current gifts, some future, some are outright gifts, some split gifts that give something back (frequently an income stream) to the donor.  There are simple strategies and others more complex, from a legal perspective.  There may also be income tax or transfer tax advantages.  Our plans for Giving Corner during the new year are to help you understand, at a high level, the various planned giving strategies, presenting one strategy each month.  We’ll break it down simply for you to help you understand how you can work with estate planning professionals to design an optimal giving strategy that makes sense for your unique situation and desires for your charitable legacy.  

Bonnie Lane - NAZCCA Cottonwood Volunteer

NAZCCA is not licensed to give legal nor tax advice and any planned giving strategies you choose to pursue should be discussed with licensed tax and legal counsel. 
